Valentino Ciarla

Valentino Ciarla

“Learning is an experience, all the rest is mere information”
Albert Einstein


Born in Velletri near Rome, a white wine producing area, I ‘lived’ wine from my first early days amidst the family vineyards, I studied oenology at the Agricultural Institute of Ascoli Piceno in the Marches and received a doctorate at the University of Florence.
Curiosity and passion pushed me towards professional experiences in Switzerland, South Africa, and France (Saint-Emilion) before returning to concentrate my efforts in Italy, where I worked in the Colli di Luna and Cinquerterre appellations with Giorgio Baciagalupa and then for Antinori in Florence, before landing at Matura, where I have had the possibility to collaborate with, to dialogue, and to exchange ideas with such high level professionals as Attilio Pagli, Gabriella Tani, and Alberto Antonini.
I am involved in didactic activities for cellar workers and for sommeliers (with associations such as FISAR, AIS, ONS).

I firmly believe in commitment, in hard and dedicated work as the sole means to achieve the desired goals. I don’t believe in wizardry or in shortcuts, instead I work scrupulously each and every day and with a maximum sensitivity to the work in order to obtain the finest results from the soil and from the grapes.
Because …
… winemaking is a continuous experience.